NFTs Marketing Strategies: How to Promote And Sell Your NFTs

Adaeze UC
Adaeze UC
19 Min Read
NFTs Marketing Strategies: How to Promote And Sell Your NFTs
NFTs Marketing Strategies: How to Promote And Sell Your NFTs
NFTs Marketing Strategies: How to Promote And Sell Your NFTs

NFTs Marketing Strategies: How to Promote And Sell Your NFTs

NFTs marketing strategies will help you to market your NFTs on social media like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Reddit, and other platforms.

In this post, there are lots of processes in NFT marketing that will help you to make brand your NFTs.

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NFTs are digital assets with value that may be acquired, but they are unchangeable since they are one-of-a-kind. Just like cryptocurrencies, NFTs are bought and sold on specialized platforms like OpenSea.

These tokens can be any type of digital asset, including artwork, videos, tweets, websites, photos, social media articles, and more. And NFTs turn them into one-of-a-kind, verifiable properties that can be traded on the blockchain.

Here’s an illustration of what we’re talking about:

The first-ever published tweet, “just setting up my Twitter,” was sold as an NFT for $2.9 million by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

Furthermore, people spend a lot of money on NFT marketplaces, so it’s a smart idea to plan your NFT marketing approach ahead of time.

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Creating an NFT is not that difficult. The real challenge is how to get your NFTs talked about and sold. And for that, you will have to make it known to others. These strategies will help you achieve this goal.

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1. Promote your NFT on Social Media

Do not take social media for granted. When it comes to selling your digital art, all social media platforms play their part. Start showcasing your artwork on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even on Reddit NFT groups.

Embrace social media for your branding. For your NFT auction to be visible, you must talk about it on social networks and share the link on your profiles.

So you have to exist as an artist on the networks and show the evolution of your art, showing that you are gaining popularity. Also, share your daily life, the way you create, and special moments with your community. The trajectory and evolution of an artist’s work can be decisive for collectors.

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It’s called personal branding, and it’s super important to work on your image as an artist if you want to make a living from your art.

2. Make Hashtags Increase Engagement

In today’s world, millions of conversations are happening in the social world at any second. The most successful way to create and improve engagement is to use the right hashtags. This will increase your chances of being seen by collectors.

You can market your NFTs on Twitter. use hashtags related to NFTs. I have seen people market there and got results.

If you also want to run an ad, it’s fine just make sure you target the right location and audience that can buy.

Adding hashtags or other phrases is important in your post caption. These tags are helpful on both Twitter as well as Instagram.

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The most attention gaining hashtags are:


Including some of these hashtags or terms in your profile description is useful. Also, you can search the real-time trending hashtags using tools like Hashtagify Me. Their tags work on both Twitter and Instagram.

For your NFT auction to be visible, you must talk about it on social networks and share the link on your profiles.

Twitter is currently the most popular platform for promoting and selling your digital art. The site allows people who follow you to retweet your initial message to their entire community.

Twitter is the most underrated platform to sell NFTs. While the art world didn’t consider Twitter to be a very visual platform, recent incidents have shown that NFT collectors have made millions by simply posting their NFTs on the platform. Twitter has become the go-to platform for spreading the word about crypto art sales. Twitter’s new NFT profile picture feature will also help you increase your visibility.

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Thus you increase the visibility of your NFT. Also, it makes it easy to share image galleries, sound, video, etc. We won’t be surprised if, in the long term, Twitter proposes an integration of NFTs on its platform.

Facebook and Instagram are also very important to highlight your portfolio and expose your current projects. Indeed, when collectors seek to buy a work of art, they inquire about the artist.
Instagram is an important space to showcase your portfolio, if you have multiple NFTs, upload all of them. This will help collectors exhibit not only your current projects but also show your past work.

Reddit is a community discussion platform that has the potential to make your work go viral in a few minutes. Open a new thread, start discussing your NFT portfolio, and if the post receives a lot of upvotes, it goes up in the Reddit rankings, and consequently, more people can see it.

Join groups like, which has nearly 8 million users. Get involved in other discussions, the idea is the more often your name appears across various channels, the sooner people will remember it.

Share Your Work on Discord.

Discord is a social platform designed to allow users to create chat rooms for various purposes. It is known as Slack for gamers and now also for crypto artists. Besides chat, Discord offers more professional features like sharing and storing gear and documents. In addition, Crypto galleries usually have chat rooms that you can join to share your work.

Moreover, there are many Discord groups where NFT collectors and enthusiasts meet. Some of these groups are more or less private. There are even groups that have become legendary in the world of NFT art. Access to them is restricted, and those who manage to enter are considered the elite.

Discord hosts hundreds of NFT servers. These channels/servers are a popular place for discussing new NFTs. The chat platform now offers more professional features such as crypto galleries where you can showcase your NFTs and even ask users to bid on them.

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3. Launch Collaborations

In the NFT universe, unity is strength. Months back, a collaboration of 100 little-known artists, organized by an artist and writer called Loopify, sold for seven times the price originally put on. We see similar patterns every then and now in the sale. So, collaborations are a growing trend. Take advantage of it.

Collaborations are a classic way to develop your skills and abilities. Moreover, they are a great way to reach new people. After establishing yourself as an NFT artist, offer collaborations with other artists. This will allow you to expand your communities or even sell joint works.

Start collaborating with NFT artists and collectors. The first reason why you collaborate is to enhance your artworks with the aid of other professionals. The second reason is to expand each other’s fan base. It’s not strictly about monetization when we speak about the collaboration but it’s definitely about recognition and reaching as many people as you can.

4. Subscribe to NFT Newsletters

There are already NFT trend hunters out there looking for artworks with the highest sales potential. NFT Hunters is one of them. Once or twice a week, this site sends a list of the best works to its subscribers’ email or Telegram accounts.

In some cases, if there is breaking news or a sudden trend in the market, subscribers will receive an additional email with all the details. It’s very easy to submit your work to the attention of these trend hunters: just send an email to the address on their site.

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5. Explore Metaverse

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Metaverses are 3D universes accessible through a browser that allows you to explore a virtual world using your avatar and perform different actions there, such as creating your space and interacting with other people.

In the metaverse of NFTs, the best known are Cryptovoxels, Somnium Space, and Decentraland. Here you will find buildings owned by NFT collectors and creators where their collections are displayed, and where people gather to have fun, socialize, or participate in events and exhibitions.

6. Use Your Channels

NFTs are new and exciting, and new people are entering the market every day. Promote your NFT projects the same way you would promote your other projects. Show your supporters that you are now in the game and inspire new collectors to join your work.

Update your website with new information about your work. Plan campaigns around promoting your project and prepare previews, trailers, and announcements to be released a few days before the release of your work. Simply put, go ahead, promote it and keep doing it.

7. Educate Your Community

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If you already have a community but are not aware of NFTs, you will have to communicate about your NFT work and the method to use to buy your NFT. The best thing is to make a page or a site dedicated to the sale of the NFT explaining your approach and offering a more simple way (payment by credit card, transfer, etc.) to buy this NFT without having to train in cryptocurrencies. Once you get the payment, you can send a tutorial to the buyer and ask him to give you his wallet address to transfer the NFT to him.

8. Involve in Conversations

One of the best ways to get known in the NFT world is through simple conversations. Participate in open discussions on Twitter, share your creative ideas on Discord channels, participate in calls and streaming parties, and hang out in group chats.

Try creating a small community or joining a small community and you might create new opportunities or learn more about how to showcase your work. Also, make sure to download the Telegram Chat app. There are a lot of group chats there, and it makes it easy for international creators to connect on the phone.

9. Stay True To Yourself

Given the current rising trend, it’s understandable that many artists are turning to NFTs. However, those who have already cashed in on this trend know how addictive it can be.
Everything is so new and unpredictable that it feels like it will all be over tomorrow, so you have to take advantage of it now.

But as an artist, it’s important not to be obsessed with what the market suggests and instead focus on producing art with your true persona and dedication. You will get positive results eventually. But, first, focus on yourself as an artist and then on NFTs.

10. List your NFTs on multiple marketplaces

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Do not stick to a single NFT marketplace, make sure to upload your NFTs on multiple marketplaces to increase the chance of selling them. SuperRare is one NFT marketplace for single-edition digital artworks, while Foundation is a marketplace for trading any blockchain assets.

Here are some of the largest marketplaces for NFT:

1. OpenSea

OpenSea is the leader in NFT sales. OpenSea has all sorts of digital assets available on its platform, and it’s free to sign up and browse the extensive offerings. It also supports artists and creators and has an easy-to-use process if you want to create your own NFT (known as “minting”).

2. Axie Marketplace

Axie Marketplace is the online shop for the video game Axie Infinity. Axies are mythical creatures that can be bought and trained and then pitted against other players’ Axies to earn rewards.

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3. Larva Labs/CryptoPunks

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Larva Labs is best known for the viral CryptoPunks NFTproject. They were originally given away for free back in 2017, but some CryptoPunks have sold for millions of dollars since then. Larva Labs has other digital art projects going such as Autoglyphs, as well as other Ethereum blockchain-based app development projects.

4. NBA Top Shot Marketplace

NBA Top Shot is the National Basketball Association and Women’s National Basketball Association’s foray into the NFT world. On its marketplace, collectible moments (video clips and play highlights) and art can be purchased from the world’s premier basketball leagues.

5. Rarible

Rarible is another large marketplace for all sorts of NFTs, similar to OpenSea. All kinds of art, videos, collectibles, and music can be bought, sold, or created on the platform.

6. SuperRare

Similar to Rarible, SuperRare is also building a marketplace for digital creators. The site includes art, videos, and 3D images, but collectors can purchase artwork using Ethereum.

7. Foundation was designed as a simple, no-frills way to bid on digital art. Sales are made using Ethereum. Since the marketplace’s launch in early 2021, it has sold more than $100 million of NFTs.

8. Nifty Gateway

Nifty Gateway has facilitated the sale of some of the most popular digital artists such as Beeple and singer/musician Grimes. It’s an art curation platform powered by the crypto exchange Gemini (controlled by the Winklevoss twins). The NFTs, known as Nifties, are built on Ethereum.

9. Mintable

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Mintable, backed by billionaire Mark Cuban, aims to be an open marketplace similar to OpenSea. To participate in buying and selling NFTs on Mintable, you’ll need Ethereum. The platform also supports the minting of NFTs for creators of all types (from photographers to musicians) who want to sell their work as digital assets.

10. Theta Drop

Theta is a blockchain platform built for the decentralized distribution of video and TV on the internet. The NFT marketplace Theta Drop made its debut in 2021 with the World Poker Tour’s digital collectibles. The World Poker Tour was an early adopter of ThetaTV and uses the platform to stream content.

11. Ask your friends to share

Just uploading your NFT portfolio on social media platforms won’t suffice. You will have to ask your friends and followers to share your NFT Project on social media. Try generating more buzz around your NFTs and make them possible to be seen by more people.

Final Thought

NFTs are gaining popularity as the future of digital art and are expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. However, the NFT market is not always profitable.

You may display your brand’s social and creative side with these NFT marketing strategies thus allowing you to reach out to a larger number of people in a more engaging manner. You may increase your visibility and revenue using NFT marketing campaigns.



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Adaeze UC is a Blogger. She is the owner of, Adaeze UC Empire, Adaeze UC Foundation, and Online Talk with Adaeze (OTA). She is also a Commercial Model, One of the best faces that can sell a brand and its product.