Top 15 Digital Skills Companies are Seeking for Today

Adaeze UC
Adaeze UC
14 Min Read
Top 15 Digital Skills Companies are Seeking for Today


Top 15 Digital Skills Companies are Seeking for Today
Top 15 Digital Skills Companies are Seeking for Today

Top 15 Digital Skills Companies are Seeking for Today. 

Tech companies have realised that digital skills are essential for employees in the digital age. 

It is necessary than ever that new employees are cross-disciplined and have both hard and soft skills. 

Whatever the specific job you are interviewing for, recruiters will be looking out for a wider skill set and broader experience in their new hires.

Every year the tech world changes and grows, leading to a demand for new digital skills. 

The entire world changed drastically in 2020 due to the global pandemic which has led to a huge shift in the working world, from Zoom meetings to remote work.

And with the job market being as competitive as ever, it is incredibly important to know what the top  digital skills are in order to secure the right role.

SEE: Digital Marketing Skills | The Ultimate Guide

This list covers fifteen (15) of the top digital skills employers are looking for today and in the coming years. 

1. Digital Project Management

Digital project management is a streamlined process of managing online projects from concept to completion, within budget and using a certain amount of resources. It involves planning, delegating, tracking, reviewing, and measuring results — usually all done using project management software.

Project management is by no means exclusively desirable to tech companies but it is a vital part of developing digital products and services in a timely and cost effective manner. Digital Project Managers need to have a holistic understanding of how digital projects are developed – from ideation to prototype to fully developed digital product or service. 


2. Digital Design and Data Visualization

Data visualization can be defined as information which has been abstracted in some schematic form, including attributes or variables for the units of information.

In other words, it is a coherent way to visually communicate quantitative content. 

Depending on its attributes, the data may be represented in many different ways, such as a line graph, bar chart, pie chart, scatter plot, or map.

Websites, Apps and Digital Services have one thing in common; a user interface. Any designer with experience creating effective, dynamic user experiences will be in high demand with most tech companies.

Designers can also visualize complex data to help management make vital business decisions. This skill is called data visualization. Data visualization is useful for senior leaders to gain valuable insights from data.  

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3. CRMs

CRM is actually an acronym that stands for customer relationship management. Broadly, CRM is any practice, technology, or strategy designed to help businesses improve their customer relationships.

In today’s marketplace, CRM most often refers to the specific tools, usually a web application or software, that allow organizations to focus their attention on individual customers and associates—be they buyers, suppliers, service users, or anyone else the organization does business with.

Given the importance of maintaining and perfecting customer relationships, one might assume that these tools have been a mainstay of business for as long as the concept has existed, but the reality is that CRM is a relatively new development

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There are a lot of opportunities for work in this space. CRMs, or customer relationship management solutions, provide companies with efficient ways to manage their sales, marketing, and customer support.


4. Programming, Web and App Development

Technology plays a huge role in our daily lives, from the simplest of apps to the most groundbreaking inventions. Every website or piece of software that we encounter has been built by a developer. 

At the heart of any tech product or digital service is coding. 

The core languages that most programming and web and app development positions need include Bootstrap, jQuery, Angular, Code Igniter, PHP/JavaScript and MySQL.

Having a portfolio of projects demonstrating your coding skills can also help to validate your knowledge and expertise and help you land your dream role. 

Examples of mobile and responsive web development experience will give you an edge over other candidates.

Coding is also vital for emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). Coding will provide AR and VR Developers with the foundation skills needed to develop the next generation of AR and VR technologies. 

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5. Digital Business Analysis

A digital business analyst leverages his/her knowledge of users’ digital abilities and experiences to build products that work for those users. 

 Analysis helps organizations to make the right choices by providing an independent and objective mind set and applying a range of proven analysis techniques to make a convincing business case for investment in a digital solution. 

As digital transformation is central to all organizations in the digital economy, digital business analysis skills have become the hottest skills to have on your CV in the 21st Century. 

Digital Business Analysts are at the epicentre of digital transformation projects.

They help organisations develop a digital ecosystem of technologies that will help drive digital transformation and business growth. 


6. Decision Making for Leaders 

Good decision-making helps leaders show their employees that they value their work and have their best interests in mind.

Great leaders make choices and do it courageously, declaring that they have made a decision and then buying their team into their thinking.

Decision making is critical for leaders in the digital age. 

Organizations need leaders who can tap into their knowledge and experience to make rapid decisions. Behavioral economics is one route for professionals to improve their decision making abilities. 

Learning this skill will improve your decision-making skills by gaining insights from the fields of cognitative and social psychology. 

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7. Digital Product Management

Digital product management is the strategy of developing, defining, delivering, observing, and refining digital products to get the best results possible from a market—sales, customer satisfaction, and more. Product managers direct the whole lifecycle of a digital product, from its conception to its launch and beyond.

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Digital product managers use the same system to refine products as the market changes, and in some cases, to withdraw existing products from the market entirely.

Software services in particular need to have a lifecycle management plan put in place. The continued growth of Software as a Service will make Product Management ever more integral to the tech sector.


8. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the component of marketing that uses the Internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services.

To promote their products and services tech companies will look to digital marketing. Understanding of how to get the most value for money out of the broadest range of networks will be key here. In-demand skills for Digital Marketers include: 

– Digital marketing tools 

– Analytics tools

– Social media marketing 

– Content marketing 

– SEO UX (User Experience Design) 

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9. Basic Microsoft Skills

Microsoft Excel is a digital talent that would be extremely valuable to you as a student.

What is Microsoft Excel, and how does it work? 

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS that was created by Microsoft. 

The calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and other functions are included. 

If you haven’t already, you should start learning basic Excel abilities as soon as feasible. You will enjoy it if you enjoy graphs and illustrations. If not, give it another shot. 

Common Excel keyboard shortcuts, as well as the use of cell references, styles, and data ranges, are all basic Excel skills.


10. Social Media skills 

Social media skills are traits and abilities to create and convey marketing material on social media platforms to achieve a business goal.

Some of the best PR today is carried out almost exclusively through social media. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram and countless other platforms give tech companies direct access to customers, thought leaders and evangelists. The best Tech PR managers are Social Media managers. 

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11. Data Science and Data Analytics

Data science is an umbrella term for a group of fields that are used to mine large datasets.

Data analytics software is a more focused version of this and can even be considered part of the larger process. 

Analytics is devoted to realizing actionable insights that can be applied immediately based on existing queries.

Companies gather huge amounts of data that can be immensely valuable to them if they have a Big Data Analyst who can make sense of it all. Data Scientists are in-demand by employers across the world. Glassdoor constantly feature Data Scientists in their Best Jobs Listing .Not only is Data Science an excellent career path for professionals in the digital age, but demand far outweighs supply, making Data Scientists highly employable.

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12. Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.

Computers or machines mimic human intelligence in a variety of ways, including learning from experience or repetition, solving problems, understanding and responding to language, and making decisions, for instance. 

There are many careers in AI, including those in machine learning, data scientists, business intelligence, research, big data engineering, and architecture.

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13. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity or information technology security is the protection of computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide. 

The practice of cybersecurity is the prevention of cyber attacks and the protection of computer systems and networks from malicious cyber interference, which aims to access, change, destroy, or disrupt sensitive data. 

Jobs in the cybersecurity field include systems engineers, network engineers, software developers or engineers, and security analysts


14. Cloud computing

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. 

Large clouds often have functions distributed over multiple locations, each location being a data center. 

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing functions through the Internet, such as data storage, networking, web servers, database management systems, marketing automation, and business analytics.” 

A cloud computing background is useful for careers as a full stack developer, a senior software engineer, a cloud engineer, and a Java developer.

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15. Software Engineering 

Software engineering is an engineering approach on a software development of systematics application. 

A software engineer is a person who applies the principles of software engineering to design, develop, maintain, test, and evaluate computer software. 

The study of software engineering involves applying engineering principles to software development.

 IT consultants, game developers, multimedia programmers, and web developers are just a few of the professions that software engineers can pursue.



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Adaeze UC is a Blogger. She is the owner of, Adaeze UC Empire, Adaeze UC Foundation, and Online Talk with Adaeze (OTA). She is also a Commercial Model, One of the best faces that can sell a brand and its product.