Email Copywriting For Beginners In 2024

Adaeze UC
Adaeze UC
41 Min Read
Beginners Guide To Email Marketing In 2024
Email copywriting for beginners In 2024
Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Email Copywriting For beginners In 2024


Writing can be tough, especially when you’re staring at an empty page. This is especially true for email marketing. The biggest challenge isn’t the technical stuff or making things look pretty; it’s finding the right words to talk to the people you want to reach. That’s why getting good at writing emails should be a big deal for anyone in marketing.

Being a wizard with words can help you make awesome and consistent email campaigns that actually get people to buy or click. Since businesses need to send messages a lot, email marketers can’t be scared of writing.

You don’t have to be a genius or a marketing pro to write good emails. If you get how to convince people and break your emails into smaller parts, writing becomes less scary.

Get ready for quick lessons and cool ideas, and you’ll get better at writing emails that work – no matter what you’re selling. So, forget about being scared of the blank page. Start writing emails that really connect with your crowd today!

Beginners Guide To Email Marketing In 2024Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

What is email copywriting?

Email copywriting is the skill of using words to persuade and motivate readers to take action within the context of an email. It encompasses all written elements of an email, from the subject line to the calls-to-action. In our daily lives, we encounter copywriting everywhere, from billboards to social media ads.

Best Practices:

– Set Clear Goals: Clearly define and specify the goal for each email.
– Catchy Subject Lines: Write compelling and relevant subject lines that spark curiosity.
– Friendly Tone: Use a friendly and conversational tone that aligns with your brand identity.
– Conciseness: Keep emails short, simple, and focused on conveying benefits for the reader.
– Formatting Techniques: Use bullet points, headings, and white space to make your emails easy to scan.

These practices can enhance the effectiveness of your email copywriting efforts. Unlike content or blog writing, where the main goal is to inform, email copywriting’s primary objective is to evoke excitement, anticipation, and empathy, compelling the reader to respond in a specific way.

Copywriters, especially in the realm of email, need to be precise and economical with their language. Given the limited space and short attention spans of readers, crafting compelling email copy requires careful consideration of each word and sentence. Skilled email copywriters often spend significant time refining their messages to ensure maximum impact.

If you find yourself responsible for composing emails and crafting messages that resonate with your audience, congratulations – you’re a copywriter. While writing email copy may initially seem challenging, mastering the art of persuasion makes the process more manageable. To help you adopt a copywriter’s mindset, it’s essential to understand the fundamentals of persuasion.

Email copywriting involves crafting emails for current or potential customers to encourage a specific action or conversion, such as a reply, sign-up, trial, or engagement with content.

The primary goal is to achieve conversions, leading to higher open rates, conversion rates, and customer loyalty. It plays a crucial role in reflecting your brand voice, building trust, and establishing rapport with your audience.

What are Email copywriting persuasion principles?

The key to writing effective emails is understanding your customers – knowing what makes them tick. A significant part of email copywriting involves grasping basic psychology on a broad scale.

Contrary to popular belief, persuasion is not some mysterious magic. What’s intriguing about copywriting is its tested and timeless nature. Marketers and advertisers have been applying the same principles of persuasion for over a century, continuing to drive people to make purchases. What worked in 1921 is still effective in 2021.

Drawing inspiration from Robert Cialdini’s influential book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” from 1984, let’s explore some of the enduring psychological triggers that copywriters continue to leverage today. These triggers play a crucial role in motivating customers to take specific actions.

1. Urgency:

Urgency is like a secret weapon in email marketing copy. It’s one of the most potent persuasion principles. Creating a sense of urgency in your emails encourages people to act quickly. This can be achieved by highlighting limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or emphasizing scarcity. When readers feel they might miss out, they’re more likely to take immediate action, making urgency a powerful tool for driving responses in email marketing.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Urgency is a powerful tool that taps into the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), a strong motivator for consumers. Stressing to readers that time is running out creates a sense of urgency, prompting them to take action sooner rather than later.

Time-sensitive deals and messages emphasizing urgency have become incredibly popular in marketing. Incorporating urgency-related language like “ending soon” and “time’s running out” in your email copy clearly communicates to buyers that they need to act quickly.

An excellent example from Packlane illustrates this approach well, using an urgency-centric email subject line (“⏰ 72 hours left to save 20%”) and asserting that “you won’t see prices this low again.” This kind of messaging effectively communicates the limited timeframe and encourages immediate action from the audience.

2. Reciprocity:

In the world of marketing, the relationship between brands and customers is like a series of exchanges – attention, loyalty, and, of course, money.

Reciprocity is a powerful psychological principle where people feel inclined to give back when they receive something. In email marketing, this can be applied by offering valuable content, exclusive discounts, or freebies. When customers feel they’ve received something beneficial, they are more likely to reciprocate by making a purchase or staying loyal to the brand.

By fostering a sense of give-and-take, email copywriters can build stronger connections with their audience, creating a positive cycle of engagement and reciprocity. So, the next time you’re crafting your email, consider what value you can offer to your readers that will inspire them to reciprocate.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Reciprocity capitalizes on the human inclination to return a favor. By providing readers with something valuable for free, you tap into this instinct and create a sense of obligation.

Consider the widespread popularity of free gifts and resources in email marketing – whether it’s coupons, freebies, or exclusive information. Reciprocity motivates readers to take action because you’ve offered them something without any immediate expectation in return, triggering a sense of indebtedness.

A great example is the welcome message from Grove, which effectively utilizes reciprocity by offering a free selection of hand-picked products. The positive and non-aggressive tone of the message encourages readers to respond out of a sense of responsibility and kindness rather than feeling pressured to make a purchase. This showcases how reciprocity can be a subtle yet powerful driver of customer engagement.

3. Scarcity:

Scarcity, the close relative of urgency, stands out as one of the most effective and widely used principles of persuasion.

The concept of scarcity revolves around creating the perception that a product or offer is limited or in short supply. This taps into the fear of missing out (FOMO) and prompts people to take action swiftly before the opportunity vanishes.

In email marketing, copywriters can leverage scarcity by emphasizing limited quantities, exclusive editions, or time-limited offers. By making customers feel that what’s being offered is rare or about to disappear, scarcity becomes a powerful motivator for them to make a decision promptly. Mastering the art of scarcity can add a compelling edge to your email campaigns and drive higher engagement.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Scarcity is all about emphasizing the idea that the supply of a particular product or offer is limited or running out.

Phrases like “While supplies last” have been part of the marketing playbook for a long time because they tap into people’s Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and the allure of exclusivity. Limited quantities not only trigger FOMO but also create a sense of exclusivity, making the product more desirable.

Consider the success of brands like Supreme with their limited drops or the frenzy around limited-edition Jordans. Scarcity not only creates a feel-good moment when someone secures a scarce product but also provides them with bragging rights.

The scarcity message from Taylor Stitch (“Limited to 100 of Each”) is an excellent example. It makes it clear that the products are limited and emphasizes the need for immediate action (“they won’t last long”). This kind of messaging effectively leverages scarcity to drive urgency and prompt customers to act swiftly.

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4. Social Proof:

The bandwagon effect is a powerful force, and in today’s world, buyers heavily rely on reviews and recommendations when making purchases.

Social proof, as a persuasion principle, revolves around showing potential customers that others have already taken the desired action and are satisfied with the results. This builds trust and credibility, making it more likely for new customers to follow suit.

In email marketing, copywriters can use social proof by incorporating testimonials, reviews, or user-generated content. Sharing positive experiences from other customers creates a sense of community and reassures potential buyers that they are making a wise decision.

Whether it’s displaying star ratings, customer quotes, or showcasing the number of satisfied customers, social proof is a valuable tool in convincing email recipients that they’re not alone in choosing your product or service.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Social proof is all about showcasing your existing satisfied customers to demonstrate to potential buyers that your product or service is worth investing in.

In the realm of email copywriting, leveraging social proof involves letting your past buyers speak for you. Introducing customer stories, positive comments, and any indication of the number of satisfied customers can go a long way in building trust and credibility.

The example from Prose is a fantastic illustration of effective social proof in email marketing. By highlighting over 177,000 5-star product reviews, they provide a clear and impressive demonstration of the positive experience others have had with their products. This type of social proof can be a compelling factor in persuading recipients to trust your brand and make a purchase.

5. Liking:

In a surprising twist, customers should actually like you and your brand.

The principle of liking in persuasion centers around the idea that people are more likely to say “yes” to those they know, like, and trust. In email marketing, building a likable brand involves creating content and messages that resonate with your audience on a personal level.

Copywriters can infuse likability into their emails by using a friendly and relatable tone, sharing behind-the-scenes stories, and highlighting common values. Additionally, showcasing the human side of your brand through team introductions or customer spotlights can foster a sense of connection.

When customers feel a positive and genuine connection with your brand, they are more inclined to engage with your emails, trust your recommendations, and ultimately make a purchase. So, in the world of email copywriting, being likable is more than just a bonus – it’s a key ingredient for success.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

What is email copywriting best practices and tips?

1. Prioritize benefits and feelings over simply listing products and features.

When crafting sales messages, it’s crucial to prioritize benefits and feelings over simply listing products and features. Understanding the psychological triggers, we’ve discussed can help guide your writing process. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Focus on Benefits: Instead of solely highlighting product features, emphasize how those features translate into real benefits for your customers. Explain how your product or service solves their problems or improves their lives.

2. Appeal to Emotions: People make decisions based on emotions. Connect with your audience by tapping into their feelings and aspirations. Craft messages that evoke positive emotions or address their pain points.

3. Use Persuasive Language: Incorporate words that prompt action and convey a sense of urgency or excitement. Words like “exclusive,” “limited time,” and “special offer” can create a sense of value and urgency.

4. Tell Stories: Narratives are powerful tools for persuasion. Share success stories or customer testimonials that showcase real-life experiences. This provides social proof and makes your messages more relatable.

5. Create a Connection: Build a connection with your audience by being authentic and relatable. Speak directly to their needs, desires, and concerns. This helps establish trust and credibility.

Remember, the goal is not just to get clicks but to create a positive and engaging experience for your audience. By focusing on benefits, emotions, and effective communication, you can write sales messages that resonate with your customers without being pushy or aggressive.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Shifting the focus from features to benefits and feelings is a powerful way to make your email copy feel less salesy and more engaging. Here are some examples illustrating this approach:

1. Tech and Software:
– Instead of: “8GB RAM, 256GB storage, 3.0GHz processor.”
– Try: “Experience lightning-fast performance for seamless multitasking. Never worry about storage with ample space for all your files.”

2. Fitness Equipment:
– Instead of: “High-torque motor, 15 incline levels, heart rate monitor.”
– Try: “Elevate your workouts with a powerful motor that keeps you motivated. Achieve your fitness goals with personalized heart rate tracking.”

3. Beauty Products:
– Instead of: “Contains hyaluronic acid, retinol, and vitamin C.”
– Try: “Rejuvenate your skin with a powerful blend of hydrating hyaluronic acid, youth-boosting retinol, and brightening vitamin C.”

4. Productivity Tools:
– Instead of: “Syncs across devices, cloud storage, collaboration features.”
– Try: “Stay organized effortlessly with seamless syncing across all your devices. Collaborate effortlessly and access your files from anywhere with secure cloud storage.”

By focusing on the outcomes and emotions associated with the products, you make your messaging more relatable and compelling. Highlighting benefits like happiness, saved time, and reduced stress resonates with customers on a personal level, making them more likely to connect with your brand and take the desired action.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

The examples from Peloton and Casper perfectly illustrate the effective use of feelings and benefits in email copywriting.

Peloton’s message starts with a powerful statement about achieving fitness goals without leaving the house, emphasizing the positive outcome and convenience before diving into product features. This approach immediately connects with the customer’s desire for a positive lifestyle change.

Casper’s email strikes a balance by leading with the emotional appeal of “Your dream bed” and assuring customers that their preferences will be met. The message then details the features of each mattress model. This customer-centric approach aligns with the understanding that people respond strongly to emotions and feelings.

In essence, these examples demonstrate that putting feelings and positive outcomes first in your email copy makes it more relatable and customer-centric. This approach not only captures attention but also resonates with the audience on a personal level, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

2. Putting customers first in your marketing copy

Putting customers first in your marketing copy is a fundamental principle for effective communication. It involves stepping into your readers’ shoes, understanding their perspectives, and tailoring your messages to address their specific needs, pain points, and desires.

Dale Carnegie’s quote from “How to Win Friends and Influence People” emphasizes the importance of genuine interest in others. This principle is especially crucial in email marketing, where personalization and segmentation aim to make mass emails feel individually tailored.

Here are some quick writing tips to achieve customer-centric messaging:

1. Use Customer-Centric Language:
– Use words like “you,” “yours,” or your customers’ names to make your messages feel more personal and directed towards them.

2. Balance Self-References:
– Be mindful of excessive use of “I,” “we,” and “our.” While it’s important to showcase your brand, the focus should be on how your offerings benefit the customer.

3. Lead with Benefits:
– Open your messages with benefit-driven language before delving into prices, features, or other details. This immediately captures the reader’s attention by addressing what’s in it for them.

4. Address Pain Points and Desires:
– Acknowledge and address your customers’ pain points, fears, and goals. Frame your products or services as solutions, maintaining a positive tone throughout your copy.

By consistently applying these writing tips, your email marketing messages can feel more personalized and relevant to your readers. This customer-centric approach not only enhances the impact of your communication but also fosters a stronger connection between your brand and your audience.

3. Writing your email marketing copy like a human, not a robot:

Writing your email marketing copy like a human, not a robot, is crucial in standing out from the crowded inbox and connecting with your audience. Here are some straightforward writing tips to infuse a natural and personable tone into your emails:

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1. Use Shorter Sentences:
– People don’t speak in paragraphs, and lengthy sentences can be overwhelming. Opt for shorter sentences to mimic natural conversation and make the most of the limited space in an email.

2. Simplify Your Language:
– Avoid unnecessary jargon and big words. Aim for a conversational tone that anyone can easily understand. Consider a readability checker like the Hemingway Editor to ensure your language is accessible.

3. Speak Each Line Aloud:
– Reading your email copy aloud is a powerful way to ensure it sounds conversational. If anything feels awkward or unnatural, consider revising or removing it. This practice helps maintain a tone that resonates with your readers.

By incorporating these tips, you can make your email marketing messages feel more like a friendly conversation and less like a generic marketing pitch. This humanized approach not only enhances the readability of your emails but also strengthens the connection between your brand and your audience.

4. Leveraging power words and avoiding spammy, salesy language

Leveraging power words can significantly enhance the impact of your email marketing copy, while avoiding spammy, salesy language is crucial for maintaining a positive and trustworthy image. Here’s a breakdown of some effective power words and how to use them, along with a reminder about terms to avoid:

Effective Power Words:

1. Simple:
– Example: “The simple way to program your 🧠 to win” []
– Usage: Implies ease of use and helpfulness, reassuring that your offering won’t require much effort.

2. Quick:
– Example: “Close deals faster with these quick tips” [PandaDoc]
– Usage: Implies a painless, seamless experience and quick results for your customers to enjoy.

3. Limited:
– Example: “Our Most Limited Release of the year – Plus Save 20% [Taylor Stitch]
– Usage: Taps into customers’ Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) by emphasizing scarcity.

4. Proven/Tested:
– Example: “The Forever Sneaker – Tested” [Everlane]
– *Usage:* Gives readers peace of mind, assuring them that your offering is legit and has been tested.

5. Invitation:
– Example: “Your exclusive invitation to preorder” [Sonos]
– Usage: Relates to the principle of “liking,” presenting your message as something positive and tailored for your subscribers.

Terms to Avoid (Spammy Language):

– Deal
– Cheap
– Obligation

Note: Phrases that resemble stereotypical, sleazy sales language can send the wrong message and may lead to your emails being marked as spam.

Remember, while power words can be incredibly effective, it’s essential to use them judiciously and genuinely. A balance between persuasive language and authenticity is key to maintaining a positive relationship with your audience. With these insights, you’re well-prepared to craft compelling and engaging email marketing copy.

What is Email copywriting elements?

Breaking down the email copywriting process into manageable pieces is a great strategy to overcome the daunting nature of a blank page. This approach not only prevents overwhelm but also allows you to give each section of your emails the attention it deserves. Let’s explore the three parts of the email copywriting process, starting from the top:

1. Subject Line: Grabbing Attention

– Objective: Your subject line is the first thing your subscribers see. It should be attention-grabbing, compelling, and give recipients a reason to open your email.

– Tips:
– Keep it concise and clear.
– Use power words to evoke interest.
– Consider adding personalization for a tailored touch.
– Experiment with urgency or curiosity to entice opens.

2. Introduction and Opening Paragraph: Keeping Interest

– Objective: Once the email is opened, the introduction should maintain the reader’s interest and encourage them to continue. Capture their attention and set the tone for the email.

– Tips:
– Be conversational and relatable.
– Address the reader directly.
– Clearly state the value or benefit they’ll gain from reading further.
– Create a seamless flow from the subject line to the introduction.

3. Body Copy: Engaging and Convincing

– Objective: The body of your email should provide valuable content, communicate your message clearly, and persuade the reader to take the desired action.

– Tips:
– Break the content into digestible chunks.
– Use persuasive language and storytelling.
– Focus on benefits and outcomes.
– Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) guiding the reader on what to do next.

By approaching your email copywriting in these three parts, you can systematically build a compelling message that grabs attention, maintains interest, and motivates action. This method makes the writing process more manageable and increases the likelihood of your audience reading through your entire email.

Examples of Email subject lines copy

Crafting effective email subject lines is crucial for grabbing attention and enticing recipients to open your emails. Here are some headline examples for inspiration, incorporating different styles and formats:

 1. “You” and Name-Based Subject Lines:

1. “😱 Expiring soon, [name]: Your 10% Discount” [Afterpay]
– Why it works: Addresses the reader directly, creating a sense of urgency with personalized content.

2. “Here are the Earpods you were looking for” [AiSmartBuy]
– Why it works: Personalized and customer-centric, indicating a solution to the reader’s needs or desires.

3. “You need a beach day. You need NEW arrivals.” [Anthropologie]
– Why it works: Taps into the reader’s desires, creating a connection with the need for a relaxing beach day.

2. Number-Based Subject Lines:

4. “Just 52 Spots Left” [Wildist]
– Why it works: Creates urgency by highlighting limited availability with a specific number.

5. “Our #1 Most-Asked Question” [Supergood]
– Why it works: Intrigues the reader by promising valuable information about the most frequently asked question.

6. “100 Days and Counting…” [Pulptown]
– Why it works: Creates anticipation and curiosity, suggesting an upcoming event or countdown.

3. Question-Based Subject Lines:

7. “Have a lot of gifts to send?” [Jeni’s]
– Why it works: Engages the reader by posing a question related to their potential needs or challenges.

8. “Question for your doc? We have an app for that” [hims]
– Why it works: Addresses a potential concern or query, offering a solution through the app.

9. “How much do you know about sleep?” [Casper]
– Why it works: Sparks curiosity and encourages readers to click through for more information about sleep.

Remember to keep subject lines around 45 characters for optimal readability, incorporate variety in your styles, and use power words to grab attention. Testing and analyzing the performance of different subject lines can help you understand what resonates best with your audience.

4. Conversational subject lines

Conversational subject lines add a personal touch to your emails, making them feel more like a message from a friend than a traditional marketing pitch. Here are some examples for inspiration:

1. “Our new lens just passed $100k in pre-orders! 🔥10 days left⏲️ [Tens]
– Why it works: Combines excitement with a sense of urgency, creating a conversational tone about a milestone and limited time.

2. “Before we completely Block Out 2020…” [Honey]
– Why it works: Engages the reader by referencing a shared experience (2020) and creates curiosity about what comes next.

3. “Hey New Bae on the Block 🖤 [Public Desire]
– Why it works: Uses a friendly and casual tone, introducing a new product in a way that feels like a conversation.

Conversational subject lines work well for building a connection with your audience and portraying your brand as approachable and personable. Consider experimenting with this style to see how it resonates with your subscribers.

Email body copy

Marketers spend a lot of time thinking about catchy subject lines for emails. However, it’s crucial not to forget about the main message inside the email. This is where you can really start convincing people to take action.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, but there are some important principles to follow. These principles help ensure that your subscribers read through your message and take the action you want them to.

1. Use Fewer Words
When you’re unsure, stick to a “less is more” approach for your marketing emails.

Ideally, keep your business message between 50 and 150 words. To put it in perspective, that’s about half the length of today’s tweets.

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While longer storytelling emails exist, it’s generally advised to keep your copy brief. You don’t want your readers to struggle through paragraphs, especially on mobile devices.

To achieve this, focus on simple language and use short sentences. Scrutinize every word and sentence in your email copy to ensure clarity and conciseness.

2. Write sentences that get subscribers to agree or say “yes.”

Piggybacking on the point above, ideally, you should write your emails in such a way where each sentence makes your readers nod or say “yes.” It’s best if your emails are crafted so that each sentence encourages your readers to nod along or respond with a “yes.”

Many marketing emails follow a common and effective structure:



Call-to-Action (CTA)

Sub header




Sub header



Sub header




And so on. By using short sentences, asking questions, and making statements, you make it easier for people to smoothly read through your messages without feeling overwhelmed.

3. Let your headlines and sub headers guide people through your copy.

Spoiler alert: not everyone is going to read your messages word-for-word. Bolded headers, copy, and calls-to-action should work to naturally catch your readers’ eyes to clue them in on the most important parts of your message.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Rudy’s cart abandonment message is straightforward, using a funny headline to grab readers’ attention. These messages are usually kept short and sweet.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

On the other hand, Hydro Flask’s message follows a clear format: headline → sentence → CTA. This organization helps your recipient focus on each part of the email.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

4. Calls-to-action (CTAs)
The final part of any marketing email is your call to action (CTA).

It’s easy to overlook, but this is the moment when people take action, quite literally. Your CTAs determine whether all your email copywriting efforts pay off.

While there’s a debate on how many CTAs to include, it’s more about optimization and formatting. Let’s briefly discuss the phrases themselves.

Using “Click Here” won’t necessarily harm your click-through rate, but it won’t excite the average recipient. “Shop Now” may seem actionable but can feel generic, treating customers more like transactions than people.

Creating a CTA doesn’t have to be complicated. Ideally, your CTA phrases should:

1. Highlight a specific action (e.g., “Complete your order”).
2. Be short (two to four words, fitting in a button).
3. Be relevant to the offer (e.g., not using “Learn More” in a discount email).

For inspiration, here are examples of effective CTAs:

Keds’ “Treat yourself” is a playful twist on “Shop now,” showing you can ask people to make purchases without being too pushy.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Grove’s “Complete your order” emphasizes a specific action related to cart abandonment. It reminds the recipient why they received the message in the first place.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Poolside FM’s “Reserve yours” is a transactional CTA that feels customer-centric, making it seem like the product is already—or should be—in the recipient’s hands.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

GrubHub’s “Get your $7 perk” is specific, to the point, and direct in prompting action.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Meanwhile, Stitch Fix’s “Schedule your first Fix” demonstrates how you can infuse your brand personality into your CTA.

Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Email copywriting examples

Becoming a better copywriter involves finding inspiration from successful brands and marketing messages. Traditionally, copywriters would collect copies of ads in a “swipe file” to refer to when generating ideas for new campaigns.

While we’ve already discussed numerous excellent email copywriting examples, here are a few more to provide you with additional inspiration. These examples showcase how the principles of persuasion and the writing tips we’ve covered can be effectively applied.


Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Why the email copywriting works?

The email copywriting works because it incorporates both urgency (“The countdown has started…”) and scarcity (“making 1,000 units available”). This message efficiently encourages readers to take action while maintaining brevity. The use of headers and highlighting assists readers in focusing on the key points of the message.


Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Why the email copywriting works?

By sticking to headers and using simple sentences, readers can easily navigate this message and quickly grasp Gymshark’s brand identity.


Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Why the email copywriting works?

A bold headline (mentioning FOMO) paired with simple, bolded statements creates a reader-friendly message. Birchbox strategically places its most crucial message and call-to-action (CTA) at the beginning of the email, ensuring that readers can click through without needing to scroll.


Email copywriting for beginners In 2024

Why the email copywriting works?

This email message has a human touch, with conversational and humorous copy. Its brevity enhances its impact, emphasizing that being a good email copywriter doesn’t involve overwhelming readers with words.

How to become a better email copywriter

To conclude, let’s go over some quick best practices to elevate your skills as an email copywriter.

1. Use templates to save time and avoid creating your marketing emails from scratch.

Utilize templates to streamline your marketing emails. As evident from our examples, numerous marketing emails adhere to similar templates and structures.

This isn’t by chance. After sending various emails and gaining a better understanding of effective lengths, formats, and styles, you can save your best-performing templates. Then, you can easily plug in your copy as needed.

By using templates and breaking down messages into parts, you won’t feel like you’re starting from scratch each time.

2. Keep a keen eye on your email performance metrics.

Monitor your open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Analyzing these engagement metrics will provide insights into the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns and areas for improvement. Consistently assess your data to identify patterns, such as whether longer-form messages perform better or if a particular call-to-action yields a higher conversion rate.

3. Frequently read marketing emails and take note of elements you find effective or appealing.

Recall our earlier advice on creating a swipe file? It’s a smart move to save your favorite emails, whether from competitors, admired brands, or others. This practice helps you stay updated on trends and provides a continuous source of inspiration.

4. Practice!

It may sound cliché, but practice makes perfect. Improving your skills in writing marketing emails is no different from enhancing any other creative ability. The more emails you write, the easier the process becomes. By adhering to the email copywriting tips mentioned earlier, utilizing templates, and refining your messages based on data, you’ll accelerate your improvement.

Are you ready to attract more customers with your email copywriting skills?

Enhancing your copywriting skills goes hand in hand with becoming a top-notch email marketer.

Improving your writing means relying less on outsourcing campaigns, pushing you to understand your customers better and pay attention to your email data.

Email copywriting involves grasping persuasion, psychology, and crafting straightforward messages. Hopefully, the guide above has provided insights into these aspects.

Remember, email automation and analytics are crucial for becoming a better email copywriter. By comprehending which emails garner clicks, resonating headlines, and effective calls-to-action, you can consistently create emails that people eagerly read.


Email copywriting is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience, drive engagement, and achieve specific goals. Crafting effective emails involves understanding your target audience, creating attention-grabbing headlines, and maintaining focused body content with a clear goal. It’s a skill that, when mastered, can lead to higher open rates, conversions, and customer loyalty. By consistently applying best practices and staying attuned to audience preferences, email copywriting becomes a key element in building brand identity and fostering meaningful connections with recipients.



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Adaeze UC is a Blogger. She is the owner of, Adaeze UC Empire, Adaeze UC Foundation, and Online Talk with Adaeze (OTA). She is also a Commercial Model, One of the best faces that can sell a brand and its product.
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