How to Make Money as a Motivational Speaker

Adaeze UC
Adaeze UC
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How to Make Money as a Motivational Speaker
 How to Make Money as a Motivational Speaker
How to Make Money as a Motivational Speaker

How to Make Money: As a Motivational Speaker, If you have what it takes to inspire people to be their best, here’s a guide on how you can make money as a motivational speaker.

The power of motivational speech can never be over-emphasized! A good motivational speaker can motivate a dying soul to live again, and inspire a dummy to perform like an Athlete. There is nothing as refreshing and reinvigorating as carefully chosen words spoken at the right time by a crafty speaker.

As a positive-minded person with good oratory skills, you need to consider earning as a motivational speaker. This is a good career that helps you make money while positively impacting people’s lives.

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There is a huge difference between being a talkative and being a motivational speaker. There is also a huge difference between noise and music. There’s a huge between a Noise Maker and an Organized Speaker. Be sure you know who you are and what you are doing. A gifted speaker may not need much training in this regard because it comes naturally most times. Yet, you still need to improve.

Motivational speakers speak at professional meetings, government functions, corporate events, schools, conventions, resorts, and spas. Although not everyone can be a motivational speaker; some people are scared of speaking in public.

Being a motivational speaker is demanding and requires you to be honest, confident, educated, and articulate with an interesting personality. There is no limit to what you can talk about as a motivational speaker.

In this article, you will see how you can make money as a motivational speaker through the following ways:

– Keynote speech, conference presentations, and personal platform speech
– Sell your services
– Public seminars
– Training
– Brand advocate or ambassador

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1. Keynote Speech, Conference Presentations, and Personal Platform Speech

This is the main job that comes to the mind of most people when they think of a motivational speaker. Motivational speakers that offer these services are paid based on their experience and their ability to attract people to an event.

Keynote speakers or conference presenters are paid a fee for their time. Personal platform speakers, like Tony Robbins, are paid by attendees to see them on stage and hear what they have to say. Hosting your event signifies the peak of success for many motivational speakers.

Apart from being the star of the show, you can also sell your services to your audience. So, you need to portray yourself as an expert in your niche. You can start by hosting workshops in your community. Also, you can go to a café and ask if you can host an event for them.

2. Sell Your Services

Not every motivational speaking gig has to be done before a large audience. You can also offer personal coaching, consulting, and other services to earn more income

Even if you love speaking before a crowd, it can also be satisfying to help individuals attain their goals by offering coaching and other related services. Being able to take time from your busy schedule and meet with clients individually allows you to earn from both worlds.

3. Public Seminars

I understand you may be wondering what differentiates public seminars from keynote speeches. Keynote speeches are parts of a conference in an organization while public seminars are targeted at the public.

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Another difference is that you will earn less from public speaking than a keynote speech. You may not even get paid in some cases. However, there are other means through which you can earn from seminars.

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How to Earn from Public Seminars

There are direct and indirect ways to earn from public seminars. Here are some of the direct ways:

Sell Tickets

A company that is organizing a seminar often takes the revenues gotten from selling the tickets. If you are the one organizing the seminar, you can charge and make a profit. However, it is difficult to get attendees to pay for seminars if you are not known.

Sell Books or Products

You can make money from seminars by selling books and other products at the end of the seminar. This method is referred to as ‘back of room sales.’

If you are a professional in your field, then you must have written some books or created products that you can sell at the end of the seminar.

You can promote your books or products by mentioning them while you’re on stage but don’t spend the entire seminar marketing your products.

Sell Your Services

You can sell your coaching and consultancy services if you don’t have any book or product to sell.

4. Marketing and Branding

A well-delivered speech is powerful for branding and marketing. Marketers invest a lot to get the attention of customers. They do this through the use of social media ads, TV ads, billboards, Google AdWords, and lots more.

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What makes seminars effective for marketing and branding is that attendees have already decided to pay attention to the speaker.

If you (as the speaker) deliver a great speech and offer value through your presentation, you will create more awareness and interest in the minds of the attendees.

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5. Training

As a motivational speaker, you can create a course on something that you are knowledgeable in. This may be about your profession or hobby. After creating the course, you can either sell it online or to training companies.

For your course to be successful, you need to have great content and must also be in a field that has huge demand.

6. Brand Representative or Ambassador

Some companies hire professional motivational speakers as brand ambassadors whenever they need to make a presentation. Motivational speakers are adept at helping organizations make presentations and create awareness for their brands.

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Adaeze UC is a Blogger. She is the owner of, Adaeze UC Empire, Adaeze UC Foundation, and Online Talk with Adaeze (OTA). She is also a Commercial Model, One of the best faces that can sell a brand and its product.
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