Ultimate Beginners Guide To Email Marketing In 2024

Adaeze UC
Adaeze UC
36 Min Read
Beginners Guide To Email Marketing In 2024
Ultimate Beginners Guide To Email Marketing In 2024

Beginners Guide To Email Marketing In 2024


Email is a really old way of talking online, but it’s still one of the best ways to sell things on the internet. Even though there are newer ways to talk to people online like social media and live chat, email is the most popular with over 4.5 billion users. Plus, for every dollar spent on email marketing, you can make $36 in return. That’s why every marketer should use email as a tool to sell things.

Email marketing is considered the most powerful way to market products, surpassing social media, SEO, and affiliate marketing. Despite the excitement around newer channels, why does this old method remain one of the most successful marketing strategies?

The enduring success of email marketing, despite the buzz around newer channels, can be attributed to the widespread and consistent use of email by people. Even with the emergence of various platforms, a large portion of the population remains active on email. Therefore, the effectiveness of email marketing persists because it allows businesses to reach and engage with their audience effectively, as people continue to rely on email for communication.

Getting Started with Email Marketing

Email marketing is a way for businesses to send lots of promotional messages to people. It’s commonly used to boost sales by sharing special offers, building relationships with potential customers, or making content marketing more effective.

If you check your email right now, you’ll likely find that a significant portion of your messages are examples of email marketing, similar to these ones:

Beginners Guide To Email Marketing In 2024

Is Email Marketing Old-Fashioned?

Even with the popularity of social media, email is still more widely used. After all, there’s no point in marketing to someone if they’re not using a particular platform.

Statistics reveal that the majority of people actively use email, and this number continues to grow each year.

How did email marketing begin?

Email marketing began in 1978, seven years after the first email was sent. Marketing experts saw the potential of promoting businesses through email, even though most people didn’t have internet access at that time.

Surprisingly, the first marketing campaign involved a professional who sent promotional emails to 400 businesses. This effort resulted in over $13 million in sales, marking the successful start of email marketing.

While email marketing has evolved over the years, its fundamental effectiveness has remained constant. It worked well in its early days, just as it does now, proving that its success endures because it gets results.

How do email marketing campaigns work?

Email marketing campaigns operate by targeting a specific group of people, the company’s chosen audience. Before launching a campaign, a business must define its email marketing strategy, including identifying the target audience. It’s possible to have multiple target audiences, and a larger audience is generally beneficial. After pinpointing the target audience, the marketing experts can develop a customized strategy.

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Newsletters serve as an effective email marketing strategy, providing engaging and valuable information aligned with the interests and preferences of the audience. Once the email campaign strategy is set, the company utilizes email marketing software to implement the campaign and reach potential customers. Despite its apparent simplicity, successful email marketing campaigns demand careful thought and planning.

Understanding the Basics of Email Marketing

Before delving into the strategies for building and leveraging email marketing, let’s go over the fundamentals. These tips will help you make the most of your email marketing campaign, which we’ll explore in more detail next.

1. Stay Human: Email marketing is widely used and competitive. Connect with your users by addressing them personally, using their name, and showing the human side of your brand.

2. Use Engaging Titles: But Be Genuine: Catchy subject titles are essential for increasing email open rates, but ensure they are relevant and not misleading. If users feel deceived, they may unsubscribe or mark your message as spam, affecting deliverability.

3. Keep Messages Short: Since most emails are read on mobile devices, keep your content brief and to the point. If you have a lot of information to share, direct users to a blog post or landing page.

4. Incorporate CTAs at the Beginning and End: Just as landing pages feature Calls-to-Action (CTAs) prominently above the fold, apply a similar approach in emails. Include impactful CTAs after the initial paragraph and again at the conclusion.

5. Obtain Permission and Fulfill Promises: Avoid purchasing email lists, as it is often illegal and unlikely to yield a return on investment. When offering deals or valuable content, ensure you provide high-quality content or offers to build trust with your audience.

Keep in Mind: You’re a Visitor in Their Inbox

People face constant interruptions, pitches, and ads everywhere they turn. While you might believe your email is unique, to the reader, it’s just one among many—and not necessarily in a positive way.

That’s why good manners matter.

Entering someone’s inbox is akin to being invited to their home for dinner. If they request you to remove your shoes, you do so respectfully.

Extend the same courtesy to their email inbox. You’re a guest they’ve welcomed into their lives, and they can ask you to leave at any time. So, maintain your best behavior and remember—you’re a guest in their inbox.

How Does Email Marketing Work?

Email marketing is a highly effective strategy, primarily due to its intuitive nature and the ability to automate processes. This versatile tool not only stands on its own but also complements various marketing initiatives such as lead generation, sales, and content marketing.

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For a successful email marketing campaign, three essential elements are crucial:

1. An Email List:
An email list serves as a valuable database comprising subscribers who have willingly opted to receive communications from you. This list forms the foundation for engaging with your audience through email campaigns.

Building an email list can be achieved through various methods, and one of the simplest approaches is to create a lead magnet, also known as an offer. This involves providing something of value to your target audience, such as a coupon, in exchange for their email addresses. This incentive encourages individuals to willingly share their contact information, helping you grow and expand your email list.

2. Email Service Provider (ESP):
An Email Service Provider (ESP), also referred to as an email marketing platform, is software designed to handle and organize your email list. It not only aids in managing the list but also facilitates the creation and execution of automated email campaigns.

Utilizing an ESP enables you to set up automatic triggers based on your audience’s actions. For instance, you can send a reminder if a user adds items to their cart but doesn’t complete the checkout. These triggers enhance personalization, leading to improved engagement and higher open rates.

3. Clearly Defined Goals:
Email marketing is a versatile tool that can help you achieve various business objectives, including:

– Driving sales
– Boosting brand awareness
– Generating and nurturing leads
– Keeping customers engaged
– Increasing customer loyalty and lifetime value

For a successful email marketing campaign, it’s crucial to align your email list, ESP (Email Service Provider), and goals. Here’s a step-by-step approach:

– Segment Your Email List: Divide your email list based on subscriber demographics or actions.
– Create Targeted Emails: Develop an email or series of emails designed to prompt the desired action (your goal).
– Utilize ESP Automation: Use your Email Service Provider to automatically send emails and monitor the campaign.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Email Marketing:

Just like any marketing channel, email marketing has its pros and cons. Let’s briefly explore some of the more significant ones:

Advantages of Email Marketing:
– Cost-Effective: It’s a cost-effective way to reach a large audience.
– Personalization: Allows for personalized communication with subscribers.
– Measurable Results: Provides metrics to track the success of campaigns.

Disadvantages of Email Marketing:

1. Risk of Spam:
– Emails can be marked as spam, impacting deliverability and potentially harming your sender reputation.

2. Overwhelmed Inbox:
– People receive numerous emails daily, making it challenging to stand out and capture attention.

3. Design Challenges:
– Email content may render differently across various email clients and devices, posing design challenges.

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4. List Fatigue:
– Over-emailing or sending irrelevant content may lead to subscribers disengaging or unsubscribing.

5. Dependence on Email Service Providers:
– Relying on third-party email service providers means being subject to their policies and potential service interruptions.

6. Privacy Concerns:
– Heightened concerns about privacy and data protection may make individuals hesitant to share their information.

7. Constant Adaptation:
– Email marketing strategies must evolve to align with changing regulations and technological advancements.

While email marketing offers numerous benefits, being aware of these challenges helps marketers develop strategies to mitigate potential issues and maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Email Marketing Examples  

Let’s explore a couple of email marketing examples for inspiration:

1. Teaonic:
– Subject Line: “Getting Low On Wellness?”

Teaonic, an e-commerce brand focusing on organic and healthy teas, uses a subject line that sparks curiosity and addresses a potential need for wellness. This approach encourages recipients to open the email to discover how Teaonic can fulfill their wellness needs.

Beginners Guide To Email Marketing

This email gets several things right:

1. Great Subject Line:
– The subject line is effective because it addresses the target audience’s primary concern, which is improving their health. This direct approach is likely to grab the attention of individuals interested in health-related products.

2. Leverages Color Psychology:
– The use of bright and warm colors in the email taps into color psychology. These colors often evoke feelings of health, happiness, and positivity, aligning with the theme of the product and creating a visually appealing experience.

3. Well-Timed:
– Timing is crucial in email marketing, and this email is well-timed. It targets individuals who have previously purchased the product and is sent when the customer is likely to run out of their supply. This strategic timing increases the chances of the customer making a repeat purchase.

By combining a compelling subject line, effective use of colors, and a well-timed message, this email is designed to resonate with the audience and encourage continued engagement with the product.

This example demonstrates how effective email marketing involves not only providing valuable content but also crafting engaging subject lines that prompt recipients to take action.

2. Bluehost

Bluehost, famous for its hosting services, now has a new tool called the Website Builder. The subject line says, “Bluehost’s new Website Builder makes building simple.”

An example of an email marketing message.
  • Highlights Advantages, Not Features: Talking about the benefits makes the writing more persuasive.
  • Neat Appearance: The straightforward design makes the email look nice and simple to understand.
  • Smart Aim: Bluehost understands its audience, mostly small business owners with limited technical knowledge. The email uses language that resonates with this group.

Decide on Your Message

Now that you have an understanding of your audience, consider your content. What message do you want to convey to your readers? It’s crucial to send purposeful emails that truly resonate with your subscribers, keeping in mind why they signed up. Creating a content list can be beneficial for planning your emails, ensuring they align with your audience’s expectations. Here’s an example:

1. Upcoming events
2. Recaps and photos from past events
3. Highlights from social media, such as Instagram or Facebook
4. News coverage
5. Information about featured or new products
6. Holiday shopping guides

Having a structured content list can serve as a reference when crafting your emails, helping you provide valuable and relevant information to your subscribers.

How to Automate Your Email Marketing

Automating your email marketing involves a few common steps, although the process may differ based on your Email Service Provider (ESP). Here are universal steps to follow:

1. Define Your Email Segments:
– Successful campaigns begin with segmenting your email list. Utilize subscriber data to group them based on various factors. This segmentation enables the creation of more personalized and targeted campaigns. Data for segmentation can include:
– Behavioral data from your website.
– Demographic data like location, age, or gender.

Segmentation ensures that your emails are more relevant to specific groups within your audience, increasing the effectiveness of your automated campaigns.

2. Designing an Efficient Email Series:

After segmenting your email list, it’s time to create a series that achieves your campaign objectives.

Determine the Right Triggers:
Once your workflow is set, decide on actions that trigger the next email. Examples include opening an email, clicking a link, or not engaging within a specified timeframe.

For instance:
– New subscriber → Send a welcome email with a coupon and popular items.
– After a week → Send a second email promoting new arrivals.
– Visitor browses women’s clothing → Send an email about a new collection.
– Cart abandonment → Send a reminder with a 10% off coupon.

While this example is for e-commerce, you can adapt similar series for lead nurturing, course promotion, or blog traffic.

Best Email Marketing Strategies:

1. Use the Right List-Building Strategies:
– Tailor list-building strategies to attract your target audience. For instance, a case study on LinkedIn may work for a B2B brand but not for a B2C brand.
– Examples: Offering a coupon, creating a downloadable asset, hosting a webinar.

2. Practice Good Email List Hygiene:
– Improve sender reputation by removing inactive or incorrect email addresses.
– Send a re-engagement email to inactive subscribers and remove those uninterested.

3. Keep Your List Warm:
– Regularly send emails to maintain engagement. Sporadic emails may lead to subscriber disengagement.
– Run re-engagement campaigns for inactive subscribers.

4. Focus on One Objective:
– Each campaign and email should have a clear objective. Avoid confusing your audience with multiple goals.

5. Define and Track the Right KPIs:
– Track campaign performance with the right key performance indicators (KPIs).
– Examples: Open rates, click-through rates, sales, blog traffic, unsubscribe rate.

Tracking KPIs helps understand the effectiveness of your strategies and adjust accordingly.

Top 10 Email Marketing Tools Every Marketer Should Know

Email Service Providers (ESP)

An essential tool for managing emails is an Email Service Provider (ESP). Notable ESPs include:

Here are ten popular email marketing tools that marketers often use. Please note that fees may vary based on factors such as the size of your email list, features required, and subscription plans. Always check the latest pricing details on the respective websites.

1. Mailchimp:
Mailchimp is user-friendly, offering email marketing, automation, and CRM tools. It’s suitable for both beginners and experienced marketers.
– Fees: Mailchimp offers free plans for small lists and tiered pricing for larger lists, with additional features available in higher-tier plans.

2. Constant Contact:
Known for its ease of use, Constant Contact provides email marketing, social media posting, and eCommerce features.
– Fees: Pricing is based on the size of your email list, with additional features included in higher-tier plans.

3. HubSpot:
HubSpot offers an all-in-one marketing platform, including email marketing, CRM, and automation. It’s suitable for businesses of various sizes.
– Fees: HubSpot’s pricing is tiered, with free and paid plans available.

4. GetResponse:
GetResponse is a comprehensive platform offering email marketing, automation, and webinar hosting.
– Fees: Pricing is based on the size of your list, with additional features available in higher-tier plans.

5. Sendinblue:
Sendinblue provides email marketing, SMS marketing, and live chat. It’s known for its affordability and robust features.
– Fees: Pricing is based on the number of emails sent per month, with free and paid plans available.

6. AWeber:
AWeber is a reliable email marketing tool with features like automation, landing pages, and integrations.
– Fees: Pricing is based on the size of your list, with additional features included in higher-tier plans.

7. ConvertKit:
ConvertKit is designed for content creators, offering features like automated emails, customizable forms, and segmentation.
– Fees: Pricing is based on the number of subscribers, with additional features in higher-tier plans.

8. ActiveCampaign:
ActiveCampaign combines email marketing, automation, CRM, and sales automation tools for a comprehensive marketing solution.
– Fees: Pricing is tiered based on features and the number of contacts.

9. Campaign Monitor:
Campaign Monitor offers drag-and-drop email building, automation, and analytics for effective email campaigns.
– Fees: Pricing is based on the number of subscribers, with additional features available in higher-tier plans.

10. Benchmark Email:
Benchmark Email provides email marketing, automation, and robust reporting tools.
– Fees: Pricing is based on the number of subscribers, with free and paid plans available.

Please note that the features and pricing details of these tools may have changed currently, so it’s essential to check their respective websites for the most current information.

Email Deliverability Tools

Email deliverability is a critical aspect of email marketing, ensuring that your emails reach the intended recipients’ inboxes. Here are some email deliverability tools that can help improve your email deliverability rates:

1. Sender Score:
Provided by Return Path, Sender Score is a tool that measures the reputation of your email sending IP address. It evaluates factors affecting deliverability, helping you identify and address potential issues.
– Fees: Free to use.

2. MXToolbox:
MXToolbox offers a variety of email deliverability tools, including tools to check your domain’s health, DNS records, and blacklist status. It helps you identify and resolve potential deliverability issues.
– Fees: Free and paid plans available.

3. BriteVerify:
BriteVerify is an email verification tool that helps you maintain a clean email list by identifying and removing invalid or risky email addresses. This can positively impact your sender reputation..

4. Litmus Spam Testing:
Litmus provides spam testing tools to check how your emails are likely to be treated by various spam filters. It helps you identify elements that might trigger spam flags.
– Fees: Part of Litmus’s paid email testing suite.

5. Postmark Spam Check:
Postmark offers a Spam Check tool that analyzes your email content for elements that might trigger spam filters. It provides recommendations for improving deliverability.
– Fees: Included in Postmark’s services.

Remember to check the specific features and pricing details of each tool, as they may vary. Using a combination of these tools can contribute to a comprehensive strategy to enhance your email deliverability.

How to Write Email Marketing Copy That Drives Results

Crafting effective email marketing copy is crucial for achieving your goals. Here’s how to do it:

1. Know Your Audience:
– Understand your audience to segment your list and create targeted email copy.

2. Craft a Hard-to-Ignore Subject Line:
– Use keywords and make it benefit-driven.
– Use the active voice and personalize where possible.
– Consider emojis, but avoid spam-triggering terms.

3. Get the Preview Text Right:
– Craft an optimized preview text that extends your subject line.
– Reinforce your value proposition and provide a reason to open the email.

4. Make It Easy to Read:
– Use short sentences and paragraphs.
– Avoid jargon and complex words.
– Use bullet points for clarity.

5. Leverage Storytelling:
– Use stories to capture attention and convey your message.
– Apply the “Attention – Interest – Desire – Action” concept to build interest.

6. Use Psychology to Your Advantage:
– Utilize psychological triggers such as FOMO (fear of missing out) and color psychology.
– Incorporate social proof to enhance credibility.

By incorporating these strategies, your email marketing copy can engage your audience effectively and drive the desired results.

Email Marketing Steps

Creating a successful email marketing campaign involves several key steps. Here’s a general guide to help you navigate through the process:

1. Define Your Goals:

Clearly outline the objectives of your email marketing campaign. Whether it’s driving sales, increasing brand awareness, or nurturing leads, having defined goals will guide your strategy. Clearly defining your goals sets the direction for your entire email marketing campaign. Goals could be centered around sales, brand awareness, lead generation, or customer retention.

Example: If your goal is to increase product sales, your email campaign might focus on promoting specific products, offering discounts, or showcasing new arrivals.

2. Understand Your Audience:

Know your target audience’s preferences, behaviors, and needs. This understanding will help you tailor your emails for better engagement. Understanding your audience helps tailor your emails for maximum impact. Consider demographics, behaviors, and preferences to create content that resonates with your target audience.

Example: If your audience includes young, tech-savvy individuals, incorporating interactive elements like GIFs or videos in your emails might be effective.

3. Build and Segment Your Email List:

Develop a quality email list using ethical and legal methods. Segment your list based on demographics, behaviors, or preferences to send more targeted and relevant content. Building a quality email list is crucial. Segmenting your list allows you to send personalized content to specific groups, improving relevance and engagement.

Example: Segmenting based on purchase history can enable you to send targeted emails to customers who have previously bought certain products.

4. Choose an Email Marketing Platform:

Select an email marketing platform that suits your needs. Popular options include Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and others. Ensure the platform aligns with your goals and provides necessary features like automation and analytics. Selecting the right platform streamlines your email marketing efforts. Look for features like user-friendly templates, analytics, and automation capabilities.

Example: Using Mailchimp’s drag-and-drop editor, you can easily create visually appealing newsletters without the need for advanced design skills.

5. Design Engaging Emails:

Create visually appealing and mobile-responsive email designs. Use concise and compelling copy, eye-catching images, and clear CTAs (call-to-action). Visual appeal and clarity are crucial for engagement. Design emails with a pleasing layout, compelling imagery, and a clear CTA to guide recipients.

Example: Incorporate high-quality images of your products and a prominent “Shop Now” button for an ecommerce email.

6. Craft Compelling Subject Lines:

Write subject lines that grab attention, convey value, and encourage recipients to open your emails. A/B testing can help refine your subject lines for optimal performance. Subject lines determine whether your emails get opened. Craft lines that grab attention, convey value, and entice recipients to click.

Example: For a promotional email, a subject line like “Unlock Exclusive Access: Your Personal Invitation Inside!” creates a sense of exclusivity.

 7. Personalize Your Emails:

Use personalization tokens to address recipients by their names and tailor content based on their preferences. Personalized emails often lead to higher engagement. Personalization goes beyond addressing recipients by name. Tailor content based on their preferences, purchase history, or location for a more personalized experience.

Example: A clothing retailer might send personalized recommendations based on the recipient’s past purchases.

8. Set Up Email Automation:

Automation streamlines repetitive tasks and ensures timely communication. Set up workflows for welcome emails, drip campaigns, or follow-ups. Implement automation workflows to send timely and relevant emails based on user actions. Automation can include welcome emails, drip campaigns, and abandoned cart reminders.

Example: A welcome series for new subscribers can include a thank-you email, an introduction to your brand, and a special offer for their first purchase.

9. Perform A/B Testing:

A/B testing involves experimenting with different elements to optimize email performance. Test subject lines, visuals, or CTAs to identify what resonates best with your audience. Experiment with different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, content, and CTAs, to identify what resonates best with your audience. Use A/B testing to optimize your campaigns.

Example: A/B test two versions of a CTA button – one saying “Shop Now” and the other “Explore Our Collection” – to see which drives more clicks.

10. Ensure Deliverability:

Deliverability ensures your emails reach recipients’ inboxes. Maintain a clean list, avoid spam triggers, and use double opt-ins to enhance deliverability. Maintain good email deliverability by regularly cleaning your email list, using double opt-ins, and avoiding spam-triggering content. Check your sender reputation and resolve any issues affecting deliverability.

Example: Regularly cleaning your list by removing inactive subscribers helps improve engagement rates and sender reputation.

11. Monitor and Analyze Results:

Track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Analyzing results provides insights into the effectiveness of your campaign. Analyze the data to understand what works and refine your strategy accordingly.

Example: Analyzing click-through rates might reveal that certain product categories are more popular, influencing future content decisions.

12. Iterate and Improve:

Use insights from analytics to continuously improve your email marketing strategy. Be open to adapting your approach based on subscriber feedback and industry trends. Continuous improvement is key to successful email marketing. Use insights from analytics to refine your strategy for future campaigns.

Example: If analytics show that emails with user-generated content perform well, consider incorporating more customer testimonials or reviews in your emails.

Remember that effective email marketing is an ongoing process that requires regular evaluation and adjustment to stay relevant and successful. These examples are adaptable based on your specific industry and business goals. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your strategy based on performance insights will help you optimize your email marketing efforts over time.

Email Regulations You Should Know

Understanding and adhering to email regulations is crucial for maintaining a positive sender reputation and ensuring compliance with legal standards. Here are key email regulations you should be aware of:

 1. CAN-SPAM Act (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act):

Enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States, CAN-SPAM sets guidelines for commercial emails, providing recipients with the right to opt-out and mandating accurate sender information.

Compliance Tips:
– Include a clear and easy-to-find unsubscribe link.
– Provide accurate “From” and “Reply-To” addresses.
– Avoid deceptive subject lines.

2. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation):

Applicable to the European Union (EU), GDPR regulates the processing of personal data. It requires explicit consent for data processing and grants individuals the right to access and control their personal information.

Compliance Tips:
– Obtain explicit consent before sending marketing emails.
– Provide a clear privacy policy.
– Allow users to easily opt-out.

3. CASL (Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation):

Enforced by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), CASL regulates commercial electronic messages, requiring consent and proper identification of senders.

Compliance Tips:
– Obtain consent before sending commercial emails.
– Clearly identify the sender and provide contact information.
– Include an unsubscribe mechanism.

4. CAN (Controle d’Accès Numérique) in France:

Part of the French Postal and Electronic Communications Code, CAN requires opt-in consent for email communications and specifies conditions for obtaining valid consent.

Compliance Tips:
– Obtain explicit consent for marketing emails.
– Clearly identify the sender and provide contact details.
– Honor opt-out requests promptly.

5. CASL (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act) in South Korea:

South Korea’s CASL regulates spam, requiring opt-in consent for electronic commercial messages and providing recipients with the right to opt-out.

Compliance Tips:
– Obtain consent before sending commercial emails.
– Clearly identify the sender and include contact information.
– Respect opt-out requests.

 6. Australian Spam Act:

Enforced by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), this act regulates unsolicited commercial electronic messages, emphasizing the need for consent and accurate sender information.

Compliance Tips:
– Obtain consent before sending commercial emails.
– Clearly identify the sender and provide contact details.
– Include a functional unsubscribe mechanism.

 7. UK Data Protection Act 2018:

The UK Data Protection Act 2018 complements GDPR regulations and applies to the processing of personal data, emphasizing the importance of consent, transparency, and data protection.

 Compliance Tips:
– Ensure lawful processing of personal data.
– Obtain explicit consent for email communications.
– Provide clear privacy information.

Understanding and complying with these email regulations not only helps you build trust with your audience but also avoids legal repercussions. Stay informed about regional and international email laws to maintain ethical and lawful email marketing practices.


Effective email marketing is a multifaceted strategy that involves a combination of thoughtful planning, creative execution, and continuous optimization. By understanding and implementing the following key tips, you can elevate your email marketing efforts to drive engagement, build lasting relationships with your audience, and achieve your business goals.

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Adaeze UC is a Blogger. She is the owner of www.adaezeucblog.com, Adaeze UC Empire, Adaeze UC Foundation, and Online Talk with Adaeze (OTA). She is also a Commercial Model, One of the best faces that can sell a brand and its product.
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